Friday, February 4, 2011

free friday & ruined paint brushes

as a parent & wife, that doesn't mean much to me anymore,
my days run into more days, which run into more laundry & three crazy kids spilling cup after cup of juice..
BUT! today they are going to paint, got a few old shirts of my husbands, & some new paint brushed for them.. going to let them go at it & see what their creative minds come up with.

just now, as i was typing my sons (Mason) came up to me with his hands behind his back (NEVER a good sign) he shows me MY new paint brushes, ruined... looks like we will be making a trip to the crafts store..
i need to buy primer anyway.

i hope everyone has a great weekend, & enjoys SUPERBOWL,
even tho my Patriots didn't make it, i will still watch...

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