Tuesday, February 1, 2011

rambling & rambling..

Today's To-Do-List just doesn't seem exciting today..
We were supposed to transfer our plants, BUT the weather is going to stop us.
PLAN B- let the boys paint!

I catch myself getting SUPER side-tracked this week,
even with my list in front of me...
I still have a few paint touch-ups to do in the kids room.
I am looking for some tips/ideas on room decor for them,
we are going towards a Dodgers theme or Pirate theme, I want to find an anchor (not super HUGE & HEAVY) but big enough that I can paint & add knobs (towel hanger) and stick it on a wall in their room..
Looks like i just Vetoed the Dodgers theme...

Any color suggestions?
Their room is a nice blue, with white trim..

FRIDAY we do a craft..
Hope everyone is READY!

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